Saturday, November 13, 2010

Family Dinner

Our first night in town was spent having dinner with Daniel's family. I always enjoy these dinners, in spite of my inability to participate in the Cantonese conversation. The abundance of talking and laughter reminds of past meals with my own extended family.

And the food is always good! The meal is served family style, with a variety of fish, meat, and vegetarian dishes. I like to share photos of the more unusual aspects of the food, like these chicken heads. (They were served with the dishes as a garnish; I've never seen anyone actually eat them.) However, most of what was served was fairly standard stuff - if you're used to eating any Chinese food at all, you'd recognize it (ignoring, of course, the giant fish tail dish).

Daniel's aunt always asks me how I like the food in Hong Kong. She contends that their food tastes fresher. I don't usually notice a difference, but tonight I'd have to agree with her. Everything was more tasty than normal - more peppery, more gingery, more sweet-and-soury. Or perhaps it was just my jetlagged taste buds on sensory overload.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's so interesting that they would choose a chicken head as a garnish. The food sounds so yummy, Tom! Hope the jetlag is getting better. Hugs to you Daniel!